A heartwarming tearjerker, Dear Evan Hansen tells the account of a young man who fabricates a friendship with a deceased student, striving to find a connection among the people around him. Through a road of tragedy, the Tony Award-winning musical explores life-altering decisions of young Hansen with a social anxiety disorder, navigating through life's ups and downs. The knockout musical comes to life at Des Moines Civic Center in Des Moines, Iowa on Sunday 11th June 2023. Follow Evan Hansen's tough journey of redemption in a heartwarming spectacle by booking your tickets now! Click the 'get tickets' button and secure yours now!
A chronicle of finding one's self amidst life's ups and downs, crossroads, and challenging decisions, Dear Evan Hansen has won the hearts of audiences worldwide for its deeply personal spectacle exploring the life of young Hansen who struggles with a social anxiety disorder. With life feeling like it's tearing at the seams, he fabricates a friendship with a student who passed away, yearning to find a connection with the people around him. Diving into life, he faces tragedy and obstacles as he navigates a story he wrote. Reaching new heights, Evan faces crossroads where he has to face tough decisions on how he can keep up through life's storms. "A breathtaking knockout of a musical", says The New York Times, and praised as "One of the most remarkable shows in musical theater history" by The Washington Post, Dear Evan Hansen is set to make tears come running at Des Moines Iowa, on Sunday. Book your tickets now!
Des Moines Civic Center
Des Moines Civic Center
Des Moines Civic Center
Des Moines Civic Center
Des Moines Civic Center
221 Walnut Street, Des Moines, Iowa, 50309, United States